2021 Sreenivas Koka Online Lecture

Dr. Sreenivas Koka, as one of international prosthodontic leaders, always kindly shared his wisdom and experiences. It’s our great honor to invite him to give us two hours of lectures. The two topics: “Principles of successful RPD therapy” and “Oral-systemic influences in osseointegration”, are both interesting and important to the dentists who need to make a good rehabilitation plan for patients, especially in this super-aging society. Are you prosthoholic? Welcome to join us to attend this outstanding webinar.

Dr. Koka’s biography:

DDS & MS, University of Michigan

PhD, University of Nebraska

Former Professor & Chairman of Department of Dental Specialties, Mayo Clinic

Interim Chair of Restorative Dentistry, UCLA School of Dentistry

Clinical Professor in Advanced Prosthodontics, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry

President, International College of Prosthodontists (2020-2021)


Registration fee: NT$2000.- 

Registration deadline: March 18, 2021

Registration connection: https://reurl.cc/MZ078m

Contact: prosthor@ms48.hinet.net

Webinar Date:

Topic 1: Principles of successful RPD therapy (1hr)                           March 21, 2021   

Topic 2: Oral-systemic influences in osseointegration (1hr)                March 28, 2021

How to attend the webinars? The webinar will post in a Facebook private group. You will be invited to the group and allowed to join it after your payment is confirmed. You can watch the webinar from 9:00 to 24:00 (Taipei Time) on the day.

Topics & Abstracts:

Topic 1: Principles of successful RPD therapy

Synopsis: RPD therapy remains an important part of the prosthodontist's treatment choices to propose to patients for consideration. This presentation will describe the key elements of successful RPD therapy paying close attention to patient selection and design principles built around biological and mechanical factors. Following on, the concepts about designs of distal free end RPD will be discussed.

Topic 2: Oral-systemic influences in osseointegration

Synopsis: Our population is aging and presents with a multitude of difficult-to- manage medical conditions and diseases. This presentation will describe how our patients heal differently as they age and cover conditions such as aging itself, osteoporosis/osteopenia, smoking, bisphosphonate therapy, diabetes, cancer, and head and neck radiation. Following on, the presentation will showcase how treatment strategies should be modified to enhance success with implant therapy and prevent unnecessary complications when patients present with these conditions.

Dr. Sreenivas Koka   是我非常尊敬的學者。從十五年前認識他,他亦師亦友、充 滿智慧的創見與提攜後進的熱情常常給我很大的啟發。去年非常盼望他來年會 演講,卻因為疫情而變更計畫,為了不讓大家等太久,學會獲得  Dr. Koka  的首 肯先請他來線上演講。本次兩個講題: Principles of successful RPD therapy、Oral- systemic influences  in osseointegration,都是國內比較少見的題目,但是非常適 合想要好好為病人擬定治療計畫的醫師參加。Dr. Koka 畢業於 Michigan 大學、 曾任教於 Nebraska、Mayo、UCLA、Loma Linda,近年來服務患者以 RPD 為主, 我們將能聽到他歷經各校不同的  RPD 設計理念而淬煉出的心法。而台灣即將邁 入超高齡化社會,我們在為高齡或有其他病史的患者擬定治療計畫時,病人的 身體狀況是否會影響骨整合是非常重要的考量,Dr. Koka    曾多次在國際學會中發表這個講題,相信熱愛贋復補綴的同好們一定會有豐盛的收穫。

報名方式:KKTIX 線上報名繳費 (專科訓練機構之受訓醫師與住院醫師有優惠 價,請洽各專科訓練機構負責醫師團報)
線上演講收看方式:Facebook 私密社團觀看。報名繳費後將會收到通知、請您點入提供的連結主動提出要求加入到 FB 私密社團,您可在上述線上演講日期當天九點至晚上十二點觀看。 售票期間:即日起至 3/18
如有問題請聯絡學會:  prosthor@ms48.hinet.net

摘要:   請見上方英文部分



票價 (新台幣 NT$)

Dr. Koka 線上演講 (3/4 以前報名可免費參加贋復學會專科座談會*)



International registration only (本國人勿填)

Before March 18

2000 (approx. 75-USD)



  1. 請注意勿重複購買,購買之後恕不退費
  2. Dr. Koka 線上演講可於播出當天九點至晚上十二點觀看,兩次線上演講共兩學分


⬛ Announcements of the course

This online course will be held in a private Facebook group. You may repeatly watch the lecture for one week from the starting course date. Notification letter will automatically email to you as your registration completes. You will need to find the FB private group link as provide in the notification letter and ask to join the group. We will approve your request according to the information provided upon payment received. 
*No refunds as your registration completes*

*本活動報名後將無法提供退費 謝謝*

FB 私密社團 / 線上


票種 販售時間 售價
Dr. Koka 線上演講

2021/02/18 10:00(+0800) ~ 2021/03/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,000
International Registration Only (本國人勿填)

2021/02/18 10:00(+0800) ~ 2021/03/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,000